Features of Namma Karur :
* Namma karur provides details about shops in all over karur disctrict such as shop location, contact number, available products and offers provided by that shop.
* Users can easily find the services available in Karur like Electrician, Plumber, Service
centers for mobile ,Laptops , etc..
* Special Offers in shops of Karur disctrict will be published in this application
* You can Sell and Buy products using Namma Karur application for best price
* You can Book services and tickets for movies and events
* Namma Karur application provides market details and vegetables price in all over the
karur district
* You can easily book cabs , passenger auto & Load vehicles and their contact details will be available in Namma Karur application
* You can check the Educational Institutions and their contact details in Namma Karur
* Namma Karur application has Entertainment section to get some Fun and peace of mind
* You can get details of all the job recruitment in karur district ( both private and govt
* You can quickly get blood all over the Karur district by using Namma Karur application
* For an emergency you can call ambulance that available nearby your location using
Namma Karur application
* Karur distirct bus timing for all the routes, Rental properties and products, News sections are in Implementation process and that will be available soon in next update .
* Get Instant updates in the Posts section of Namma Karur application
* Trending Products,Offers,Flash sales informations will be available in Trendings section
* You can enquire about anything in Karur district and the information will be provided as soon as possible.
Mission :
* To encourage small shops and business to grow in Karur district.
* To bring Karur district in Digital Platform
Permissions Required :
1. Storage (Read and Write ) Permission
For uploading profile picture and reading from your device storage
2. Camera Permission :
Camera permission is required to scan shops, services,education,transport,hospitals
to verify registered shops and all other features available in Namma Karur
3. Contact Permission :
To contact shops and all other features available in namma karur application
contact permissions is required.